Altered Schedule Warning Bell 9:25 Period 1 9:30 10:35 Period 2 10:40 11:45 Lunch 11:45 12:30 Warning Bell 12:25 Period 3 12:30 1:35 Period 4 1:40 2:45
Candy Cane Grams for sale! Come purchase your candy cane grams Monday through Friday this week at lunch in the main hall. Send a candy cane gram to anyone of your choosing and it will be delivered during B block Mon Dec 18. Purchase one for $2 or three for $5.”
meeting Tuesday at lunch in room 202 for students interested in Bamfield Marine Science Centre on the west coast of Vancouver Island? This would appeal to students interested in pursuing a future in field sciences.
The Student Council will be giving out free hot chocolate in the hall this Wednesday before school! Bring your own mug to the main hall between 9:00AM to 9:30AM to get FREE hot choccy, or purchase a paper cup for $1."
Outside the cafeteria Find brownies, nanaimo bars, cookies, and more at the Student Council Christmas Bake Sale this Thursday and Friday outside the cafeteria! Free cookie decorating is also happening for bake sale customers!"
Collaboration and Wednesday Bell Schedule Breakfast with Santa 8:30 9:25 Warning Bell 9:25 Period 1 9:30 10:35 Period 2 10:40 11:45 Lunch 11:45 12:30 Warning Bell 12:25 Period 3 12:30 1:35 Period 4 1:40 2:45