Career Center / Scholarship Information

Career and Post-Secondary Advisor: Mrs. Cheng

Career & Post-Secondary Advisor: Mrs. P. Cheng
Hours : Tuesday – Friday, 8:15 to 3:15pm
Email :


What is the Career Centre?
This is where you can ask questions and get information in the areas of post-secondary
education and career options, and planning for after high school. You can also pick up
resources in the Career Center, such as university/college viewbooks.

The website also has information for students from all grades about:
-volunteer and program opportunities
-part-time job opportunities
-trades programs at SDSS
-online resources for exploring different careers

Mrs Cheng will send out monthly newsletters to all grade 11 & 12 students to their deltalearns emails and will email the same newsletters to all families through Parent Connect.  Please remember to sign up for the Career Centre channel on the school App.