Early Bird Tickets: April 11 - 14th: $115 each Regular Price Tickets: April 17 - 21st: $130 each In order to purchase tickets to the event, the following need to be completed: - All school fees have to be paid (please check Student/Parent Connect) - ALL CLE assignments (9 in total but not including the... Read more »
Students in Grades 7-11! Is your student interested in Film Acting? Film Production? VFX? Would they want to study these subjects IN SCHOOL for credit? The Delta Film Academy is opening their studio doors on Saturday, April 15th from 10am-12noon for an OPEN HOUSE to learn more about the DELTA FILM ACADEMY – a program... Read more »
Regular Price Tickets: April 17 - 21st: $130 each In order to purchase tickets to the event, the following need to be completed: - All school fees have to be paid (please check Student/Parent Connect) - ALL CLE assignments (9 in total but not including the Capstone project) need to be completed and handed in... Read more »
Attention all Grads! Grad Car Rally is happening on Thursday, May 4th after school. Tickets will be on sale from Monday, April 24 - Friday, April 28 in Room 201 at lunch time. Tickets are $10 per pair. Be sure to come up with a unique theme for you and your partner! We look forward to... Read more »
Attention all Grads! Grad Dinner/Dance tickets sales have been extended for one more week. The absolute last day to purchase a ticket will be on Friday, April 28th. In order to purchase a ticket, you will need to have paid all of your school fees and have completed all of your CLC assignments