
Grad Wear Sale

Link to the store: https://www.prostockathleticsupply.com/collections/south-delta-secondary-grad-2023-online-store Final chance to purchase Grad Wear.  

Food Drive for Deltassist Christmas Program

Grad Council is hosting a food drive from now until Friday, November 25th! If you have any non-perishable food at home, please bring it in! Boxes for collection are located outside of the office, classrooms, and the theatre. All proceeds are going to go to the Deltassist Christmas Program.

Dry Grad Christmas Plant / Basket Fundraiser

SDSS Dry Grad Fundraiser Plants are a great way to bring happiness to family and friends this holiday season while choosing to support a healthy fundraiser. Orders are due by November 29th. Delivery to SDSS on December 13th.  https://sdssgrad.growingsmilesfundraising.com/home Thank you for supporting SDSS Dry Grad!