Career Transitions


Career development is one of the three main goals of the education system in British Columbia. A person’s career is a major component their journey through life, and the K-12 Career Education curriculum offers students the opportunity to pursue this in personally meaningful and goal-oriented ways. Students and parents can embrace the options & opportunities through administrators, teachers, career & post-secondary advisors, career facilitators, and counselors, as well as district staff, programs, events and our website.  Career Education K-7, 8 & 9 helps youth begin to explore & discover who they are and who they want to be. This continues through to graduation and beyond with 8 credits of Career Education through Career Life Education (CLE) as well as Career Life Connections (CLC) & Capstone. In addition, Delta School District has a variety of excellent Career Programs options including Work Experience programs, Youth apprenticeship & Trades (Train in Trades & Work in Trades), CTC CADD, and Early Childhood Educator as opportunities for students to further enhance their career-life transition. Please visit for more information.

Career Education 8 and 9

In Career Education 8 and 9, students explore concepts such as identity, leadership, personal planning, and transferable skills. Students begin to explore in greater depth their skills and passions, and begin to determine possible routes to their goals. This is done through activities that develop their self-awareness, working with others (collaboration and communication), career knowledge and awareness, and career planning. The required curriculum may include career focused learning within existing subjects, unique activities like Take Our Kids to Work Day in Grade 9, assemblies, student conferences, career fairs, subject based career days, mentorship or other career activities.

Career Life Education

Career Life Education is a course required for graduation. Career Life Education begins the experience & application journey. Content includes self-assessment, goal setting, lifelong learning, grad requirements, financial planning, workplace etiquette, local & global labour market trends, essential career & employability skills, post-graduation opportunities, employment standards, workplace safety, and awareness of work experience opportunities.

Career Life Connections & Capstone

Career Life Connections & the culmination of a Capstone Project are required courses for graduation. Content will continue to emphasize the three main themes of Personal Career-Life Development, Connections with Community, and Career Life Planning, with the curricular competencies supporting these in a variety of ways. See the curriculum for details. Major outcomes are expected to include a 1) personal plan for post-graduation; 2) a career-life exploration of experiential learning (30 hours or more) which can include service learning, volunteerism, employment, fieldwork projects, entrepreneurship, and passion projects; 3) and to design, assemble, and present a capstone project to an audience. This culminating project would demonstrate personal learning and achievement (in and out of school), growth in the core competencies, and a reflection on students’ post-graduation plans.

Work Experience 12 

Students gain experience in the career field of their choice through a combination of employability skills training and 90 plus hours of work experience. Starting in grade 11 or 12 they develop their employability skills and are then placed with local employers in unpaid positions that align with their interests, passions, and future career goals. The community becomes the classroom where students gain experience in the workplace and will be better prepared to embrace or revise their career goals.  Through employer assessment, students receive valuable real-world feedback about their employability skills and technical skills. Registration is required, contact your school career staff or counselor for further details.  Additional credit can be earned for Work Experience 12B by continuing on for a second 90 hours along with the needed curriculum.

Youth Train in Trades

Youth Train in Trades is an industry training program for grade 11 and 12 students. It is the first year (level 1) of the classroom /shop training which is 20% of becoming a journeyperson (training on the job is the other 80%). Students take dual credit courses that will give them credit towards both secondary graduation and the first level of apprenticeship or industry training. ‘Train in Trades’ programs are offered as partnerships between school districts and training providers, as well as our own Designated Trainer facilities. Our partners include BCIT, VCC, KPU, and FTI. Upon successful completion they will receive credit for ‘level one’ of the technical training (in-class) component of an Industry Training Program. That means they will have a significant head start on post-secondary education by the time they graduate from high school – as well as gaining practical and in-demand skills. The District generally pays for the tuition costs with students being responsible for all other costs such as materials, personal safety equipment, textbooks, and learning modules. Students must follow an application process including a site visit, and have the needed essential skills to be considered for a District Youth Train in Trades program. Application does not guarantee acceptance to a program as seats are limited and competitive.  For more information on what Youth Train in Trades programs are currently offered and help with applying, please contact your school career contacts and visit the Train and Trades page on the District Website Applications due before spring break. See your Career Program Facilitator.

Youth Work in Trades

Youth Work in Trades offers students aged 15 to school age 19 an opportunity to begin their apprenticeship while still in school. It is the beginning of training on the job which is typically 80% of becoming a journeyperson (classroom training is the other 20%). Students must be hired (paid) and working under the direction of a Journey Person.  As well, their employer must agree to sponsor them with SkilledTradesBC through Delta District as a Youth Apprentice. Up to four grade 11/12 courses (11a, 11b 12a, 12b) and a $1000 award are possible. This is a great start or continuation to Youth Train in Trades as well. Work Experience 12 can also be used as a starting point.  Advantages of Work in Trades include:  four credits for each 120 hours of paid employment (up to a maximum of 16 credits for 480 hours), registration with the Industry Training Authority, potential for $1000 award upon completion, earn hours towards your trade with the SkilledTradesBC, and learn in a ‘real world’ situation. For a complete list of the 100+ trades and further details, visit, especially the ‘Youth’ area.  For more information on how to register as a Youth Work in Trades student, please contact your school career contacts and visit the Work and Trades page on the District Website  See your Career Program Facilitator for more information.

CTC – CADD (Computer Aided Drafting & Design) – Dual Credit Opportunity

CTC (Career Technical Consortium) is with Kwantlen Polytechnic University and offers Grade 11 and 12 students the opportunity to get a head-start to their Drafting Citation program. Upon successful completion of a course, students will receive credit towards graduation as well as the Kwantlen credits towards the diploma. Offered at the Cloverdale campus, students may apply for acceptance in the CADD program.  Courses are offered on a part-time basis, two evenings per week (usually Tues/Thurs) in the Spring, Fall, and Summer semester. Three courses are available to accepted senior secondary students and those with Drafting 11 and/or 12 can write an Assessment to achieve credit for a fourth course – CADD 1100.  The district will cover the tuition for the first two courses, with the student responsible for the course tuition in the summer. Books and transportation arrangements and costs are the responsibility of the student. Applications due before spring break. See your Career Program Facilitator.

Early Childhood Education – Dual Credit Opportunity

Calling all students going into Grade 11 or 12 in September! There is a District program in which you take Early Childhood Education Dual credit courses in partnership with Delta Continuing Education! In these series of classes, you will complete post secondary courses for an ECE assistant certificate, hear from a variety of people in the field, collaborate with like-minded students and even develop your resume to obtain a job when you complete the program. These courses meet the requirements for obtaining a provincial Early Childhood Educator Assistant Certificate while ensuring that students receive a higher-quality, more thorough foundation in Early Childhood Education theory and practice than just the minimum requirement. Students gain credits towards a Delta Basic ECE Certificate if they wish to pursue further education locally. Delta Continuing Education is approved provincially as a training institution for Early Childhood Education Basic and Post-Basic Certificates, and is certified by Human Resources & Social Development Canada. Applications due before spring break. See your Career Program Facilitator.

 Junior Firefighter Camp

The Junior Firefighting Program will give the applicants a true understanding of the basic components, both physical and educational, of Delta Fire/Rescue’s basic training for new recruits. The educational component will test the applicant’s knowledge learned in the classroom of firefighting equipment, fire behavior, the fire tetrahedron and the products of combustion, to name a few. The practical component of the program will test the applicant’s strength, endurance and teamwork skills.  Applications due before spring break. See your Career Program Facilitator.