Please note that the following courses have historically had course fees associated with them. Please contact school administration if you have any questions about course fees.
Applied Skills 8
Introduces students to a variety of Applied Design, Skills and Technology courses. Possible courses in each rotation include, Foods/Nutrition, Textiles/Fashion, Drafting, Woodwork, and Information Technology.
Students learn about good nutrition through Canada’s Food Guide. Attention is given to equipment use, safety and hygiene, baking, simple meal preparation, and table service.
In Textiles students learn basic sewing skills and proper use of the sewing machine.
Students are introduced to three different drafting projects, and taught computer-aided design using equipment such as plotters and cutters. Emphasis is on using all equipment in a safe manner.
Opportunities are given for students to solve technological problems, and design and build wood and metal projects.
Students will learn and try out practical and creative skills while using computers. Focus is put into skills that students can use with their classes during high school and beyond. Topics include: touch typing, word processing, slideshows, coding, and spreadsheets. Further development of these skills can be found in business and computers courses at the higher grades.
Fine Arts 8
Students get a chance to go through Visual Art, Drama, and Music to get a feel for what is offered at SDSS in the Fine Arts Department. Students will start with a specialist teacher in one of the areas. Each term, students will then rotate to a new arts discipline until they finish all three by the end of the school year. It’s a great way to sample the arts!
Students explore a variety of visual art ideas and materials, and create and communicate images while they look at, and talk about, the art world around them. Emphasis is on skill development, media exploration, and self-expression through drawing, painting, 3-D art, and graphic design.
The main goals of the Drama term are to develop self-confidence, to help students work effectively with others, and to increase creative thinking and problem solving skills. Development of these skills is achieved through speech, movement, and improvisation.
Students explore percussion, guitar, choral singing, music composition and studio recording. Students wishing for a fuller musical experience are encouraged to take Band 8 or Choral Music 8 (full year courses) in place of Fine Arts 8.
Learning Hub
Learning Hub is a course that supports students with their independent learning strategies. It focuses on building student academic, organization, and interpersonal skills. Students in Learning Hub will spend their time in class setting academic and personal goals, practicing their study skills, implementing test strategies, and completing schoolwork. Students can be placed in Learning Hub by one of two ways. One method is a district placement based on student ministry designation and the other is through a collaborative process including teachers, administration, counsellors, parents, and the student.
Learning Hub is the name for any support class in the following ministry designation courses: Strategies, Learning Assistance, Supportive Learning, Grad Quest, Life Skills, and Modified Academics.
ELL Courses 8-12
English Language Learning courses are offered to all eligible students whose first language is not English. English Language classes help students to improve their reading, writing, and listening skills in English and assist students in making the transition into academic courses. SDSS staff work cooperatively with school personnel and other district staff to ensure that ELL and International students receive the most appropriate educational services possible. (Please note that course selections must meet staff approval following student assessment.)
Independent Directed Studies
Through the use of an Independent Directed Study (IDS), South Delta Secondary aim to provide flexibility in educational opportunities to address the needs of students. The opportunity exists for senior students to explore an interest or design a course of study outside of the classes listed in this booklet. The Ministry of Education has developed Focus Areas in the Graduation Program to support and encourage students to further explore a career area that links to curriculum. This exploration may be done through a variety of experiences sponsored in-school or by professions in post-secondary, industry, and/or community agencies. To sign up, please see your counsellor for an application form. Criteria for IDS:
- Students must demonstrate the ability to work independently with minimal supervision.
- The IDS course of study must be approved by the supervising teacher and the principal.
- The IDS will count towards Elective courses in the Graduation Program.
- Under teacher supervision, each student will develop an IDS plan that includes:
- The problem, project or area to be studied
- A process for ongoing facilitation and evaluation
- Criteria for determining successful completion of the IDS
- A credit value (2 or 4) and a grade level (11 or 12).
Leadership & Personal Development 11/12
This is a dynamic course in leadership training where students acquire and practice new leadership skills, as well as further develop ones they currently possess. Key components of leadership such as effective communication, public speaking, event planning, mentoring, creative problem-solving and socially responsible decision-making, will be developed through hands-on opportunities throughout the school year. The balance of the course focuses on personal development; aspects of routines, self-care practices like meditation, hydration, mindfulness, connection with community etc. It is an immersive course that puts students in charge of their growth and development.
Assessment and evaluation of student progress will include: self-reflection journals; event rubrics; participation; portfolios; peer evaluations; and final leadership project.
STRIVE 10 – Cohort
This cohort is designed for students who are interested in approaching their studies on a different path, and who are capable of working with others within the school and beyond the classroom walls. Teachers will be working together as an inquiry team to make thematic connections between their subject areas. This grade 10 cohort is designed to improve student understanding and wellness in school by reconnecting them to their natural communities. Working in an English, Math, Physical Education, and Science cohort, students explore the environments of South Delta. Cross-curricular connections will emphasize experiential activities; this will involve frequent opportunities to explore ideas and curriculum in our local surroundings. This will be facilitated by scheduling the aforementioned classes in a manner that allows for flexibility of off-campus days. Students must provide their own transportation to and from off-campus activities. Strive 10 is a program that is run completely on the fees paid by students. Cost $200.
First Responders
Interested in a Medical Career- Doctor, Nurse, Physio therapist, Athletic trainer then the SDSS School First Responder program may be for you.
A first responder is a student who is given a high level of training in first aid and once qualified is part of a team that helps the school’s student body in the event of any injury. This program has been developed by the BC Ambulance Service which supplies all the necessary equipment for the program plus offers on going advice and assistance to the schools.
The program puts a great deal of responsibility on the students and requires a serious commitment by all participants. Besides regular group meetings, students will be placed in teams of two and given a pager. One day per week the team of two or three will have the responsibility to assist students in the school with any and all medical problems. In the event an injury occurs, the First Responder will be paged and will ask to leave the classroom. They will proceed down to the medical room and care for the injured or sick person. All First Responders will be supported and assisted by the school’s teacher first aid attendant.
To qualify for this program each student must take two first aid courses put on by the BC Ambulance Service. The first is Standard First Aid. This course will cost your son/daughter $125.00 and will include 16 hours of training and all necessary course supplies (Red Cross and P.E. 10 as well as Lifeguard training equivalent may qualify).
The second course is the main First Responders course which costs $425 and offers a full 40 hours of instruction and all necessary materials.(National Lifeguarding Society course qualifies as well). See Mrs. Farnden with questions.