Drama 9
This is a developmental drama course which builds on the voice, body, creative and critical thinking skills introduced in Fine Art 8. Drama 9 explores improvisation, role play, play-building, storytelling, character development, introduction to monologue and dialogue, and scene study, as well as an introduction to scriptwriting. Students receive the opportunity to expand their thinking through experiencing live theatre in the community.
Drama 10
Drama 10 transitions from a developmental drama course into an acting course, as the course intensifies and builds on voice, body, interpretive, creative, and critical thinking skills developed in Drama 8 and 9. Students continue to work on group dynamics, improvisation, and character building in order to further develop the actor’s ability to “play”, and learn the basics of breaking down monologues, scenes, and 10-min plays. Students are introduced to Shakespeare, Greek, and other styles of theatre based on chosen material in an acting context, and classic and contemporary texts are also explored.
Drama 11
A genuine love of theatre is strongly recommended for all students enrolling in this course as some participation outside of class time is expected. The course demands a mature level of concentration and commitment because of student driven rehearsals and performances. Concentration is on voice, movement, improvisation, directing, monologue and scene development and presentation, play readings and presentation, and a final senior showcase. Students engage in the staging and performance of a full length play and/or a one act play festival, and must be driven to explore, and possess, an interest in performing for peers and invited audiences. Students are introduced to Shakespeare, Greek and other genres of theatre, based on chosen material in an acting context, and receive the opportunity to expand their thinking through workshops with industry professionals.
Drama 12
A genuine love of theatre is strongly recommended for students enrolling in this course as some participation outside of class time is expected. The course demands a mature level of concentration and commitment because of student driven rehearsals and performances. Concentration is on voice, movement, improvisation, directing, monologue and scene development and presentation, play readings and presentation, and a final senior showcase. Students engage in the staging and performance of a full length play and/or a one-act play festival, and must be driven to explore, and possess, an interest in performing for peers and invited audiences. Students are introduced to Shakespeare, Greek and other genres of theatre, based on chosen material in an acting context, and will receive the opportunity to expand their thinking through workshops with industry professionals.
Theatre Production/Technical Theatre 9-12
(After school)
This after school class is a commitment to creating, producing, and executing community and school-based theatre productions. Theatre production is an important part of theatre and includes many activities that are theoretical and practical, technical and creative. Students will create functional sets, as well as learn about lighting and sound techniques, prop fabrication, scenic painting, and other aspect of technical theatre in this hands-on course. This is a practical course for students interested in theatre, either as a career or as a hobby. Senior students will be expected to take on leadership roles and develop their skills in pre-production, production and post-production. Rehearsal times are irregular, taking place after school and in the evening, including the occasional weekend, and students should be aware of the extensive and intensive hours of rehearsals surrounding theatre productions. Students work with theatre professionals and take part in occasional field trips off-campus.
Instrumental Music: Musical Pit Orchestra 8-12
(After school)
Please see the description in the Music section.
Theater Company 9-12
(After school)
Theatre Company provides students with the opportunity to mount a full theatrical production and perform it in front of an audience, emulating a professional theatre troupe. This afterschool class requires the collaborative efforts and artistry of actors, directors, producers, technicians, musicians and more. Through the rehearsal and performance process, students apply skills and attitudes necessary to perform within a Theatre Company, learning valuable personal and interpersonal skills they can apply in broader social and career contexts. Rehearsal times are irregular, taking place after school and in the evening, including the occasional weekend, and students should be aware of the extensive and intensive hours of rehearsals surrounding theatre productions. The life skills students acquire through this course benefit them in all areas of their life and will enhance their employability regardless of their future career choice.