Please note that the following courses have historically had course fees associated with them. Please contact school administration if you have any questions about course fees.
Science 8/Sciences Naturelles 8
This is an introductory science course where students learn important lab, inquiry, and safety skills. The course’s main themes include: Cells and Cell Theory to explain the fundamentals of life; the Kinetic Molecular Theory and Atomic Theory to explain the behaviour of matter; the Wave Theory of Light to examine how energy is transmitted in waves; and the Theory of Plate Tectonics to explain and unify the Earth’s geological processes.
Science 9/Sciences Naturelles 9
Science 9/Sciences Naturelles 9 is a foundational course that introduces students to key scientific concepts in biology, chemistry, physics and earth science. Through lessons, hands-on experiments, projects and inquiry-based learning, students explore topics such as cell biology, atomic theory, electricity and ecology.
Science 10/Sciences Naturelles 10*
This is the last general science course a student will take, and covers the following topics: Safety; Scientific Method; Genetics and Mutations; Chemical Reactions and Processes; Transformation of Energy; Nuclear Energy and Radiation; Formation of the Universe. An emphasis will be placed on scientific inquiry, processes and techniques, data analysis, and the interactions of science and technology.
*French Immersion students who don’t take Sciences naturelles 10 must take Éducation au choix de carrière et de vie (French Immersion Career Life Education 10 online)
STRIVE 10 (Cohort)
(Four courses – English, Math, PE, and Science – see Miscellaneous Courses for more information.)
Chemistry 11
Chemistry is the study of matter. It is essential to the understanding of all fields of science including Physics, Biology, Earth Science and Astronomy. This course includes the following topics: Writing formulae and equations; The Mole Concept; Chemical Reactions; The Periodic Table; Bonding; Solution Chemistry; Organic Chemistry. About 25-30% of the course is based on many demonstrations and labs. Students are expected to be proficient in Math.
Earth Science 11
Earth Science 11 is a survey course designed to provide insight into the major branches of Earth and Space science. Emphasis is placed on hands-on, lab-based activities that relate to Earth’s processes. Areas of focus include: rocks and minerals; plate tectonics; earthquakes; volcanoes; oceanography; atmospheric science; geologic time and astronomy.
Environmental Science 11
This course continues to develop several fundamental concepts of biology and provides students with a better awareness of the environment and the role humans play. Students will learn how humans affect the natural world through labs, discussions and other coursework. Areas of focus include ecosystems, extinctions, oceans and restoration practices.
Life Science 11
This course covers several fundamental concepts of biology and provides students with a better awareness of the biosphere. Evolution, taxonomy and comparative anatomy are the prevalent themes. The characteristics of living things and the biodiversity in local ecosystems will guide our study. Laboratory emphasis will be on animals, plants and micro-organisms.
Pre- AP Chemistry 11
(80% minimum in FMP Math 10 and Science 10 is recommended)
This course is designed to prepare students for AP Chemistry 12. While students will be tested at a similar level, the course will move at a faster pace than Chemistry 11 and cover more content. The course will include Chemistry 12 content and labs. Topics covered in the course are: Organic Chemistry, The Mole, Chemical Reactions, Thermochemistry and Reaction Kinetics.
Physics 11
(70% minimum in FMP Math 10 and Science 10 is recommended)
Physics 11 is an introductory course designed to introduce the core concepts of physics. Problem solving in Newtonian mechanics, ray optics, wave mechanics, relativity and nuclear energy make up the bulk of the course. There is a strong emphasis on lab skills and measurement techniques using both analog and digital devices. Data analysis will be done with the aid of computers and technology. Physics is a recommended course for students interested in the sciences and engineering.
AP Physics 1
(80% minimum in FMP Math 10 and Science 10 is recommended)
AP Physics 1 is the first semester of a first-year university course that gives students the opportunity to receive both secondary and university credits and prepares them to write the AP Physics 1 exam in May. The course is aligned with the College Board guidelines for AP Physics 1 with inclusion of the content of Physics 11. A quarter of the course time will be spent on laboratory work, with an emphasis on inquiry-based investigations and engineering projects that provide students with opportunities to apply the physics law. The course is designed to prepare students for AP Physics 2 and Physics 12 Courses.
Science For Citizens 11
Science For Citizens 11 provides students with opportunities to investigate, analyze, understand, and experience the relationships among science, technology, and human society. Science and Technology studies: Communications; Environment; Medicine; Lifestyles.
Anatomy & Physiology 12
Recommended: Chemistry 11
This course will examine human anatomy and physiology. Emphasis on cell biology and biochemistry, within the context of homeostasis (biochemical self-regulation) and DNA will form the core of our study for the first half of the course. The investigation of organ systems, enzyme functioning and the complexity of the human body will form the core of our remaining study.
Chemistry 12
Strongly Recommended: Chemistry 11
(70% or higher in both Chemistry 11 and Math PC 11 is recommended)
Chemistry 12 explores key chemical concepts including reaction kinetics, equilibrium, solubility, acids and bases, and electrochemistry. Through theoretical studies, lab experiments, and problem-solving, students develop a deep understanding of chemical principles and their applications in real-world contexts.
AP Chemistry 12
Strongly Recommended: Pre-AP Chemistry 11
AP Chemistry 12 is a first-year university science course that gives students the opportunity to receive both secondary and university credits and prepares them to write the AP exam in May. This is an intensive course delving into the same topics as Chemistry 12 but to a greater depth. It will proceed at a faster pace than a typical Chemistry 12 course and it is recommended that students have successfully completed Pre-AP Chemistry 11.
Environmental Science 12
This course continues to develop several fundamental concepts of biology and provides students with a better awareness of the environment and the role humans play. Students will learn how humans affect the natural world through labs, discussions and other coursework. Areas of focus include: climate change; water pollution and conservation; sustainable land use.
Geology 12
Geology 12 builds on the concepts learned in Earth Science 11, with a specific focus on the physical world. It is a great course for students interested in learning more about the world around them. Areas of study include: rocks and minerals; resources; geologic time; plate tectonics; structural geology; weathering and erosion. One of the following is recommended: completion of Earth Science 11 OR a C+ or higher in one of Life Science 11, Environmental Science 11, Chemistry 11 or Physics 11.
Physics 12
Strongly Recommended: Physics 11
(70% or higher in both Physics 11 and Math PC 11 is recommended)
Physics 12 is a continuation of Physics 11 and many topics will be revisited in greater detail. New topics include electricity and electromagnetism. Labs will require more rigorous analysis and there will be a greater emphasis on designing experiments around digital data collection and analysis, as well as engineering projects that will demonstrate application of physical laws. Students interested in the field of engineering are strongly recommended to take this course.
AP Physics 2
(Physics 11 or AP Physics 1 is recommended; 80% or higher in both Physics 11 and Math PC 11 is recommended)
AP Physics 2 is the second semester of a first-year university course that gives students the opportunity to receive both secondary and university credits and prepares them to write the AP Physics 2 exam in May. Course is aligned with the College Board guidelines for AP Physics 2 with inclusion of the content of Physics 12. Through inquiry-based learning, students will develop scientific critical thinking and reasoning skills. Designed for students who excel in the sciences and want to go into Sciences, Engineering, Physics, or Computer Sciences at university.